Squishy Cat

Adopt a new companion and have fun with your cat squishy

At Squishies USA, we offer a wide variety of cat squishies. You can find different colors, different sizes, different scents โ€ฆ But they will all be as cute as each other and will all have the same de-stressing and relaxing power . Our squishies are made only with quality polyurethane foam. They are all very soft and just as fascinating to watch them subside after a few seconds.

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Grey Cat Mochi Squishy


Galaxy Cat Squishy


Cat Paw Mochi Squishy


White Cat Mochi Squishy


Cat Hamburger Squishy

On Sale

Cute Cat Squishy

Original price was: $12.50.Current price is: $10.80.

Kitty Squishy


Big Eyes Cat Squishy


Rainbow Cat Squishy


Kawaii Cat Squishy


Unicorn Cat Squishy

On Sale

Cat Ice Cream Squishy

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Sleeping Cat Squishy

On Sale

Japanese Cat Squishy

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.40.
On Sale

Jumbo Hamburger Cat Squishy

Original price was: $39.30.Current price is: $33.00.

Ninja Cat Squishy
